Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Potty Training Chart

My son didnt like the potty charts where you stick the stickers in a certain spot for that day. So I made a VERY simple potty chart that lets him put his stickers wherever he wants. He thinks its so fun!

I first went and got a piece of posterboard and cut it to the size I wanted. Then I used my cricut to cut out some letters. I put "I can use the potty!" and "I'm a big boy now!" on my chart.

Then I just glued them on and just to add a little color I sponged some light green ink around the edges using one of my ink pads.
Its very basic and simple, but my little guy thinks its fun! I just hung it in the bathroom and after he goes he gets to put a sticker on. He loves it!

Friday, April 15, 2011

Easter block

I made this cute Easter sign for my craft group. It was fun and I think turned out really cute!

I first got together all my supplies. I had a piece of scrap wood that was already white, but if you dont, you can paint it. Then i picked out some paper I thought was cute for the background. I used my cricut to cut out the letters, but you could use stickers or vinyl or whatever you have that will work! I got some wood eggs from Roberst and got some paper to go on top of them and traced and cut those out. I used a sponge and some ink to add some color to the eggs, also I used a purple on the background paper around the edges.

I used mod podge to put the background paper on then laid out my letters where I wanted them ( before you glue your letters on put your eggs on it so you know where to put everything when its done). I glued my letters on, but you could also just mod podge them too.

I mod podged the paper eggs to the wood eggs and for some extra detail I sprayed some glitter on them. You could also just glue them together if you want.

Finally, glue the eggs to the board and add any extras to make it look even more cute! I used a button and some ribbon. I love how it turned out, it is so cute! It was really easy and fun too!

St Patricks Day Shamrock (late I know)

I made this for st patricks day. I know its past, but thought I would put it up anyways! I just used 2x4s. My husband cut it out for me- he is better at that sort of thing! Then I simply painted it and let it dry. Then used some gorilla glue to put it together and added some buttons and ribbon. Easy! You can make it as big as you want and pretty much whatever shape you want your shamrock to be. You can lay some wood out and just draw on it to see how you like it- just use pencil! :) Here are some more pictures

Thursday, April 14, 2011

A new addition to the family!!

It has been FOREVER since my last post!!! But its has been for good reason :) I have been really sick, which isn't fun, but we have a new addition coming to the family!! So that is where all my energy has been. Just been tired and sick :(. Also my camera has had some issues- But I think were about back to normal! YAY!!! So this is how I let my husband know I was pregnant. I tried to find a cute "I'm a big brother" shirt,but they were all so expensive. So I made my own! It looks like this- I First found an outfit I thought was cute. Then I got on my computer and just played with fonts and sizes until I found something I liked that said I'm a Big Brother! Then I got a piece of paper and traced it onto the paper from the computer. Then I went over it with a black marker. I then stuck the paper inside the shirt and positioned it how I wanted it. It was a little hard to see so I put a flashlight under it so the words showed up a bit better. Then I got some fabric paint, I just got it at wal mart for like a dollar, and I traced from the paper onto the shirt with the paint. It had to dry for a few hours. But it was SO easy! All you have to do is trace! Or if your good at that stuff you can just free hand it.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Homemade Planner

This isnt the nicest planner/ pocket calander, but hey, I had some extra paper and I wanted to have a mini calander I could take with me everywhere. I like having an actual calander, instead of using the one on my phone. Im more of a hands on person :)

I just stamped the squares on, then I stamped the days on them and decorated them- WALLAAH! It was way easy. You could print off the calanders from a computer and decorate them, or use the simple ruler and pencil way! I stamped them to decorate them then hole punched it and fastened with a ring!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

"Growth Chart for kids"

First- start with whatever size board you want. I just had my sweet husband bring home some scrap from work :)

Then I mod-podge'd it (I had some help...kinda, haha!). Since I used particle board, I wanted it to be a little smoother.

Then I painted it with some extra paint I had, I chose tan.

I drew some grass and some vines (in pencil first!) and painted them. Then I got one of my CTMH acrylix stamps and stamped on the leaves. (stamping is way easier than drawing, if your not good at that sort of thing, like me)

Then I got a ruler, and put it against the wall above the baseboard where it will go in my sons room so I knew where to start my lines; and I marked where the 1 foot on the ruler was for my starting point. You can choose what you want to start yours at. Then I penciled where all the half-inch and inch marks would be and made sure they were in the center. This does take a little time to get all the correct measurements! Then I went over them all with a permanent marker.
I marked where the feet where. For every inch I put a line, and for the half inch I just made a small mark. You can do it as detailed or simple as you like!

I had some wood animals I had sitting in my sons room that were from his baby shower decorations that I never had a use for, until now! I decided to add a little extra too mine. You can decorate it however you want, or leave it as is! I just hot glued these little guys on and I think it turned out rather cute, for just using things around the house. Didn't cost me a thing!!

Here is a closer look at the finished board!

Friday, December 17, 2010

Tile Gifts

I made these for my grandparents for christmas, way cute and WAY EASY!!!

First I went to Home Depot and picked out some tiles I liked, they were like $1.95. Then when I got home I found some paper I liked and cut it down, then I mod podged it on.
While that was drying I got some vinyl and I used my Cricut to cut out a saying, you can buy or make any saying you want. Get a second peice of paper, about an inch smaller on all sides, that will be in the center. I detailed the edges of my paper with a stamp pad. I didnt have any transfer tape for the vinyl so I did it free hand.

After sticking all the vinyl letters on I set it on my dry tile and paper and mod podged it on.

Then, when that was dry I added a little more detail by hot glueing a ribbon with a bow and some buttons on it. They are cute with just the paper and saying, but feel free to add whatever you want to make it however you think is cute!